McCain has two options. He is seriously considering both: try to get the conservative vote (like a conservative vice president pick and policy slanted towards conservatives) or try for the independent vote (by picking an independent like Joe Lieberman for VP).
If you were John McCain, what would you do if…
James Dobson (founder of Focus on the Family and a voice for family and conservative values) said:
“I cannot and I will not vote for Sen. John McCain as a matter of conscience…”?
Well he did. Not only that but after speaking on how he could not vote for Obama and Hillary (at the time still in the race) he reasserted his anti-McCain position by stating:
“If these are the nominees in November, I simply will not cast a ballot for president for the first time in my life…” *
What would you do if…
Rush Limbaugh and other conservative talk show hosts continue to state their disappointment in you as one of this years candidates?
If conservatives were saying this about you; would you try to get their vote?
What should we do?
Support McCain. Back the guy who is almost a liberal? Yes that’s the key. If McCain gets in by the outspoken support of conservatives it would be beneficial either way. If McCain is being backed by conservatives, knowing he should not “bite the hand that feeds him”, he will stand for (or at least close to) conservative principles. If he on the other hand gets in as president and ignores the conservatives, he pretty much rules out his chances for re-election.
I am not saying that we should support some of the things McCain has voted for in the past (which he may even continue to support). No, we should support the things that we agree with and push for a changed McCain.
If we support him, he may well stand for conservative principles (yes, I believe people can change). But, if we as conservatives shun him and withdraw input and advice to his campaign, we are doomed to not only lose the election to the socialistic Barack Obama, but also as it were, push McCain to become more liberalistic.
In conclusion:
I am not advocating go to the polls and cast your vote for the lesser of the two evils. I am advocating strong, active and outspoken support for John McCain as the conservative’s choice for President of the United States of America.