"Trajectory Shift" Is A Must Read!

The announcement is here!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Who Will David Barton Vote For?

Want to find out who David Barton, renowned voice on American history and politics, will vote for? Go to the link below:


Why are there no third party candidates included in the voting guide listed above? Because of the unfortunate fact: a third party will not win in this years’ election.

1. There are enough republicans that will vote republican this year and enough democrats that will vote democrat (or republican) this year that a third party candidate will not win.

It gets better…

2. Chuck Baldwin and Bob Barr are fighting to get the conservative vote. 1700 libertarians will probably vote for Bob Barr not Chuck Baldwin. That may not seem like a lot but if you’re running third party it is.


Shouldn’t that be changed? Maybe it should: but is this the year to try to change it by bringing an almost win to the attention of America? No. With all that is at stake we can’t gamble or play around - we have to do what is best. We need to use our vote to bring about a result: not a statement. We need to face the facts and as former president John Adams once said: “Facts are stubborn things...”. One of the major candidates will win; which one depends on you. Do you want to make a result or split the vote and let Barack Obama “change” the economy and security of America?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Answer From The Bob Barr Campaign!

Here is a condensed version of an email I received from Bob Barr's finance director Robert Stuber. This message explains why he thinks libertarian presidential candidate Bob Barr should be supported and answers my question about Bob Barr's chances of winning:

Dear Trent,

...Like me, you are fed up with the lies and deceits of BOTH the Republicans and Democrats. You are disgusted by the corruption that permeates government. And you recognize that our federal budget deficit is nearly $500 Billion and our national debt will soon be $10 Trillion.

...As much as I hate to admit it, on
Election Day, unless a major breakthrough occurs, Bob Barr isn't likely to become our next President. But is not getting the most votes really a loss?

…Going back in our nation's history many of the greatest social changes were brought about as a result of independent and
third party races.

Most recently,
Ross Perot had an impact that impacted our nation for the better part of a decade. He focused "like a laser beam" on the economy, our national debt and the poor way our government is managed. It resulted in a change in Congress in 1994 and pushed Bill Clinton to balance the federal budget. I believe that had there not been a terrorist attack in 2001, we would still have a balanced budget and our economy would prosper.

So today, why should you invest in the Bob Barr campaign with your vote and your money?

It is simple.
On November 5 all eyes are going to be focused not on the vote totals of who won, but on how many people voted for Bob Barr. How many people put principle over partisan politics and "threw their vote away for a lost cause?" The bigger the number, the more influence we will have over the next four years.

Zogby poll suggests Bob Barr is already at 6% nationally. If we can double that or even triple it, we may not win the election, but we will have delivered to Washington a message loud and clear.

Voters want smaller government, lower taxes, more freedom. Period.

member of Congress will also know EXACTLY how many votes Bob Barr got in their state or district. It will hang over their political head as a strong encouragement to do what needs to be done. The biggest fear of every politician is being defeated!...

Though it is true that the entire nation will look for the results of the election for all the different candidates, it is a unique suggestion that this will accomplish a following of the principles upheld by the not-close-enough candidates (yes there is more than one candidate trying to persuade conservatives to vote third party - Chuck Baldwin for one). If you believe that a third party candidate will change policy making in Washington think of Ralph Nader. I could be wrong but I don't see a lot of politicians quaking at the percentage of votes Mr. Nader received in previous elections and saying: "Boy I better change my policy, see Americans believe what Ralph believes if I don't change my tune I won't be re-elected!"

No, third party is not the answer: not this year at least. We need results; not risky gambling.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

One Soldier On Obama

Here is an interesting letter from a soldier named Jeff who is currently serving in Afghanistan:

Hello everyone,

As you know I am not a very political person. I just wanted to pass along that Senator Obama came to Bagram Afghanistan for about an hour on his visit to "The War Zone". I wanted to share with you what happened. He got off the plane* and got a bullet proof vehicle, got to the area to meet with the Major General (2 Star) who is the commander here at Bagram. As the Soldiers where (Editors note: were) lined up to shake his hand he blew them off and didn't say a word as he went into the conference room to meet the General. As he finished, the vehicles took him to the ClamShell (pretty much a big top tent that military personnel can play basketball or work out in with the weights) so he could take his publicity pictures playing basketball. He again shunned the opportunity to talk to Soldiers to thank them for their service. So really he was just here to make a showing for the American's back home that he is their candidate for President. I think that if you are going to make an effort to come all the way over here you would thank those that are providing the freedom that they are providing for you. I swear I we got more thanks form the NBA Basketball Players or the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders than from one of the Senators, who wants to be the President of the United States. I just don't understand why anyone would want him to be our Commander-and-Chief. It almost that he was scared to be around those that provide the freedom for him and our great country.

If this is blunt and to the point I am sorry but I wanted you all to know what kind of caliber of person he really is. What you see in the news is all fake.

*e added the the word (originally plan) to convey what I believe is the author intent.

Editors note:
I do not know this soldier personally - my pastor received this forwarded letter and gave it to me. I believe it is true based on the nature of the forward (originally sent by a lady who does know the soldier personally) - Trent

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Coming Soon!

Answers to tough questions from presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin!

Live Like a Leader - Part 1: The First Law

There are laws for leadership?

21 According to John C. Maxwell. In his book The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, Maxwell states:

“Personal and organizational effectiveness is proportionate to the strength of leadership.”

There you have it law number one: THE LAW OF THE LID

Dick and Maurice started their own theater. Dick and Maurice decided that a restaurant might work better. Dick and Maurice were smart. Dick and Maurice realized that specializing in hamburgers was the thing to do. Dick and Maurice invented there own system: the Speedy Service System. Dick and Maurice were successful. They decided it was time to expand. They decided it was time to do the franchise thing. One problem: Dick and Maurice were managers. Dick and Maurice were not leaders. This was a big problem a very, very big problem.

Did you know that’s how McDonald's started? Did you know the brothers would have never gone global without a guy named Ray Kroc (who was a leader and ended up buying what is today the McDonald’s Corporation)?

Are you a good leader?

1. If you aren’t one, you won’t be very effective. It’s because of the “lid”. It’s like those computer games where you must first achieve the first level before moving on: there is a “lid” to how far you can go. You can’t just build up enough skill to get to level three and then be able to get the rewards of playing on level thirty.

2. Being a better leader doesn’t just add to your effectiveness it multiplies it!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Should conservatives back McCain?

McCain has two options. He is seriously considering both: try to get the conservative vote (like a conservative vice president pick and policy slanted towards conservatives) or try for the independent vote (by picking an independent like Joe Lieberman for VP).

If you were John McCain, what would you do if…

James Dobson (founder of Focus on the Family and a voice for family and conservative values) said:

“I cannot and I will not vote for Sen. John McCain as a matter of conscience…”?

Well he did. Not only that but after speaking on how he could not vote for Obama and Hillary (at the time still in the race) he reasserted his anti-McCain position by stating:

“If these are the nominees in November, I simply will not cast a ballot for president for the first time in my life…” *

What would you do if…

Rush Limbaugh and other conservative talk show hosts continue to state their disappointment in you as one of this years candidates?

If conservatives were saying this about you; would you try to get their vote?

What should we do?

Support McCain. Back the guy who is almost a liberal? Yes that’s the key. If McCain gets in by the outspoken support of conservatives it would be beneficial either way. If McCain is being backed by conservatives, knowing he should not “bite the hand that feeds him”, he will stand for (or at least close to) conservative principles. If he on the other hand gets in as president and ignores the conservatives, he pretty much rules out his chances for re-election.

I am not saying that we should support some of the things McCain has voted for in the past (which he may even continue to support). No, we should support the things that we agree with and push for a changed McCain.

If we support him, he may well stand for conservative principles (yes, I believe people can change). But, if we as conservatives shun him and withdraw input and advice to his campaign, we are doomed to not only lose the election to the socialistic Barack Obama, but also as it were, push McCain to become more liberalistic.

In conclusion:

I am not advocating go to the polls and cast your vote for the lesser of the two evils. I am advocating strong, active and outspoken support for John McCain as the conservative’s choice for President of the United States of America.

* http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=55665

3 x 5 Power - Part 1: Read and Remember

Having trouble remembering a book you just read?

Taking notes while reading a book is an old concept, but a good one. The problem is that you have to somehow find your book a pen and a notebook. Never fear 3 x 5 Power is here!

1. Find a 3 x 5 card.

Actually find several. If you don’t have some you can make them out of cardstock or paper. Three-by-five is a convenient size that fits inside most books.

2. Find a book.

3. Use the 3 x 5 card as a bookmark.

4. Take notes.

Find the key points to the book and put them down on paper. Anything else you think is good? Write it down.

Closing tips:

You should use a lot of three-by-five cards (unless your book is very short), but don’t re-write the book. Later you can condense your cards down to just a few by eliminating information you think is unimportant.

Taking notes is particularly beneficial when reading through a library book. Later if you want to remember the content of the book just look through your notes!