I know that 2012 is four years away. I know that first things come first. I know that we need to focus on rebuilding the conservative movement. At the same time, this movement needs a leader to rally behind. To borrow another popular leader's term: Hope.
So let's take a look at 2012:
1. Sarah Palin.
Obviously she's going to play some role in the future of the republican party. What exactly we don't know, but we could sure guess! To see more on this check out Adam Brickley's famous
Draft Sarah Palin blog.
Should she run?
Some argue that she alienated the independents and democrat voters and therefore shouldn't run. That thought maybe worth looking into. Obviously she wasn't running the show. McCain was at the head of the ticket and all campaign decisions, including what talking points to stress and so on. Also to blame, are the staff working the McCain campaign (remember: Sarah Going Rogue?) and to some degree Sarah (remember the awful interview(s)? - Oh wait, their was what, one?). What about all the issues she had to bite her tongue on and say "Yes in a McCain/Palin administration that would happen"? She probably didn't think that was the best way to go about it, but when your number 2 on the ticket you've got work with your boss, at least somewhat (note : I made the previous quote up). I don't think Sarah is the problem; I think the fake Sarah character promoted by the media is.
In four years a lot could change, but if the media is still dating Obama, it will be tough for Sarah to pull off a win. Isn't she the best possibility? Who else could win? I know, I know it seems like she should run in 2012. I think she should remain a national figure and if she doesn't run in 2012, she should at least campaign for someone else, but maybe we should give her a little more time. It wouldn't hurt for people to forget all the lies being circulated around (yeah, I know they will probably be brought back up by the media anyway). It definitely won't help for her to be permanently branded as inexperienced after a nasty run against incumbent President Barrack Obama.
If nothing extreme happens: Sarah 2016!
If you want to discuss this with some political minds, leave a comment at the Patriot Acadmey Blog. It wouldn't hurt to leave a comment here too!