"Trajectory Shift" Is A Must Read!

The announcement is here!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wedding Dress Photo!

This is way overdue...

The 2009 Grand Champion in Sewing:

This is the wedding dress I, with long suffering instruction from my expert seamstress sisters, was able to enter in the Bell County Youth Fair where it netted the highest award possible in the sewing category.

For those of you who have been waiting for this photo since February...

You can advertise on my blog for two months at no cost! : )

Thanks for waiting,


P.S. Did I mention the dress is for sale?

(Editors Note: Read the story of my first impression on hearing I had won Grand Champion at the 2009 Bell County Youth Fair: Wedding Dress Wins! - also includes contact info.)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Back From Patriot Academy

Patriot Academy 2009 was phenomenal!

If you are interested in politics, or are confused by government, Patriot Academy is the place for you.


I have some good news and some even better news...

1. My bill (ending no-fault divorce in Texas) passed!

2. Michael Bullock won the race for Speaker of the House!

I ran for Speaker, learned a lot, and did a whole lot better than my first few attempts at campaigning. In the end I lost, but it was a outstanding experience.

I rank my race as:
