"Trajectory Shift" Is A Must Read!

The announcement is here!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Blog Move

I was going to wait for my birthday...

But I know you deserve the very best right now.

That's why I'm letting you in on a secret...

*whispering* I'm working on a new blog!


You'll just have to mosey on over thar and see for yurself!


Because I've awarded a movie (you can watch it at the new blog), I've uploaded a picture of myself that will start the tabloids talking, and in March I'm going to start a series on Calvinism!

Enter for your own enjoyment:

(Note: I withhold the right to switch back to this blog at anytime. I am testing out Wordpress with hopes of switching over permanently.)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Skeptics (blown) Away! - Round 3

Round 3

Skeptic: God was trying to tell you something else…

Trent: This is the most reasonable objection. Ruling out demonic intermeddling, we are left with two possibilities:

1. Fleshly reasons obstructed God’s message leaving me with a distorted version. (Why would God allow his message to be distorted? Maybe… maybe not.)


2. I really was called to preach!

Honestly there are all sorts of possibilities, but the easiest to believe is #2.

(Editor's Note: Read the other posts in the series! Round 1 , Round 2)