"Trajectory Shift" Is A Must Read!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Welcome to Jarrell!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Brother Libertarian?
What do Tom Selleck, Kurt Russell, and Clint Eastwood have in common? Number one, they are all movie actors (and the roles they have played weren't always the best), number two, they're self professed libertarians. That, in and of itself, is scary, very, very scary.
According to one libertarian website the definition of libertarianism is this:
Libertarians support maximum liberty in both personal and
economic matters. They advocate a much smaller government; one
that is limited to protecting individuals from coercion and violence.
Libertarians tend to embrace individual responsibility, oppose
government bureaucracy and taxes, promote private charity, tolerate
diverse lifestyles, support the free market, and defend civil liberties.
Notice the wording: "tolerate diverse lifestyles". Libertarians don't believe in legislating anything that comes close to morality. For example, they don't believe that goverment should make laws about "prohibiting adult possession and use of drugs". Now look at their definition of conservatives:
Conservatives tend to favor economic freedom, but frequently
support laws to restrict personal behavior that violates "traditional
values." They oppose excessive government control of business,
while endorsing government action to defend morality and the
traditional family structure. Conservatives usually support a strong
military, oppose bureaucracy and high taxes, favor a free-market
economy, and endorse strong law enforcement.
Notice that “tolerating diverse lifestyles” is not included.
Want to find out what you are? Check out this ten question (yep, just ten) online quiz to see! This quiz is not only quick it is also very interesting. When you get the results (right there on the website - no wait-for-an e-mail deal.) you will see how you were graded, 0% up to 100%. Zero percent means that you don’t agree with libertarians at all, 100% you are one of the strictest libertarians out there. The way it is presented it almost seems that getting zero percent on the test means that you got all of the answers wrong, whereas getting one hundred percent means that you were dead right.
Right or Wrong?
The question is who decides what is right and wrong? To the libertarian this is a hard question. A conservative, like me, says: "God decided what's wrong and what's right". Notice I said God decided; truth is always truth, two plus two makes four, not five, not some of the time, all of the time.
When you get to the core principles of libertarianism it’s pretty shocking. This group calls for self government, and yet, they don't seem to realize that human beings have never been able to govern themselves by themselves, at least not correctly. Living in a homosexual lifestyle is wrong because it spreads terrible diseases. Can we make laws to try and stop this? The libertarian I think would say no, I, on the other hand, say yes. Tolerating other people’s lifestyles is great, but limiting government to a point where it no longer protects people from other’s harmful lifestyles is not. Remember, we do have the right to life.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
The Evangelism Connection
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Do The Right Thing
- We either have Self-Government or we need Big Government.
- Libertarianism is bad, very, very bad. (Libertarianism in this instance is used to describe the idea that fixing the economy will fix everything else and that taxes, apparently all taxes, should be abolished.)
- The Fair Tax is awesome!
- Chuck Norris is great!
- Watch out for Huck, he isn't going anywhere. He won eight states with less than $65 million (I can't seem to find the exact number, I think it was $30 million - I know he got $11 million from online donations.) , fought opposition from religious and conservative leaders and the media (including Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh) and lived to tell the tale.
Friday, November 21, 2008
2012: Part 2 - Lieberman and Feingold
The next presidential campaign (really to far in the distance to even speculate about) is obviously of great importance. In the past conservatives have been no as involved as we could , and should, have been. While we work our primaries to get the result for the republican presidential nominee, the other side contributes a huge portion of the race by choosing an opponent. Why should we simply watch them create winning probabilities? Why not play both sides to get the best result? In looking at the following democratic candidates we could promote and influence to run in the 2012 primaries, we do just that, create unheard of possibilities that could lead to a more favorable outcome, win or lose, November, 2012.
While Lieberman is considered a nice guy by most of the senate, his actions for McCain and his position on the surge (which, by the way, worked) in the War on Terror (note that I did not say War in Iraq) have probably alienated him from the democrats who aren't aware of his personality. Although he is a democrat, he is one of the few noble senators who actually use their minds when voting, he votes for bills he thinks are good (especially if he thinks they are good for his state) and votes against bills that violate the principles he believes in. Joe doesn't seem to care if he is one of the only democrats voting for a bill, if he thinks it's the right thing to do, he does it. Unfortunately, the sixty-six year old Joseph Lieberman probably wouldn't get the liberal vote, upon which democrats depend on in the primaries, if he ran in 2012 (when it would be his last chance at the age of 70). He is one of the best democrats there is, but unfortunately that may cause his downfall.
Unfortunately, Lieberman probably won't be able to win in the primaries. Feingold, on the other hand, could give Obama quite a run for his "money". All Feingold has to do is call Obama on the carpet for the national debt and Obama has another nightmare of a primary race. Obama will no doubt counter that he had to save the economy before focusing on the national debt, to which Feingold should say: “The national debt is the economy, stupid!” Here is another campaign line that would go over pretty well: "What President Obama did was outstanding he prepared America for change, now it's time to get that change. For four years we've heard the talk ...how about four years to see the walk? How about eight? You can see my record, you can see my promises to the people of Wisconsin and how I kept 'em. What about my promise to never take a pay raise while in the senate, not ever? I've kept that promise, you can ask your brother Americans, my neighbors, in Wisconsin. They'll tell you, go ahead and ask 'em. Four years is a long time, long enough to enact fiscal reform and positive change for America. Did President Obama do that? You can look at what I did and you can look at what Barack Obama did. There's a big difference in those four years - one politician from Chicago appointing his friends and political allies to positions better served by others who actually knew how to do those jobs, and one guy from Wisconsin fighting for your respect, your rights and your money!"
If you want to see the good looking, smooth talking, fiscally straight walking democrat from Wisconsin, click here to see a quick movie clip. Here is another, a clip of a Feingold speech. What about the very inspiring story of how he got to the senate, and all that he has done while there? Check this page. Now this guy is in no way perfect. He is not somebody I would normally like to see as president, but he's better than Obama. The hope here is to cause a division in the democrats and have ugly primary race that rattles President Obama, with all his powers of incumbency, to the bones. If Feingold wins the primaries, I won't support him in the general election (unless the republican nominee is completely terrible), but if he should win the general election, I wouldn't feel too bad.
Feingold 2012!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
2012: Part 1
So let's take a look at 2012:
1. Sarah Palin.
Obviously she's going to play some role in the future of the republican party. What exactly we don't know, but we could sure guess! To see more on this check out Adam Brickley's famous Draft Sarah Palin blog.
Should she run?
Some argue that she alienated the independents and democrat voters and therefore shouldn't run. That thought maybe worth looking into. Obviously she wasn't running the show. McCain was at the head of the ticket and all campaign decisions, including what talking points to stress and so on. Also to blame, are the staff working the McCain campaign (remember: Sarah Going Rogue?) and to some degree Sarah (remember the awful interview(s)? - Oh wait, their was what, one?). What about all the issues she had to bite her tongue on and say "Yes in a McCain/Palin administration that would happen"? She probably didn't think that was the best way to go about it, but when your number 2 on the ticket you've got work with your boss, at least somewhat (note : I made the previous quote up). I don't think Sarah is the problem; I think the fake Sarah character promoted by the media is.
In four years a lot could change, but if the media is still dating Obama, it will be tough for Sarah to pull off a win. Isn't she the best possibility? Who else could win? I know, I know it seems like she should run in 2012. I think she should remain a national figure and if she doesn't run in 2012, she should at least campaign for someone else, but maybe we should give her a little more time. It wouldn't hurt for people to forget all the lies being circulated around (yeah, I know they will probably be brought back up by the media anyway). It definitely won't help for her to be permanently branded as inexperienced after a nasty run against incumbent President Barrack Obama.
If nothing extreme happens: Sarah 2016!
If you want to discuss this with some political minds, leave a comment at the Patriot Acadmey Blog. It wouldn't hurt to leave a comment here too!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Resilient and Resolute (not Revolting and Reactionary)!
So should we all.
It's time to rebuild. It's time to remind people why we believe what we believe. The way we do that is to show people how it really is better for them to be able to chose. We need to focus positively: Their rights, their guns, their safety and their money. We can't afford to run around yelling and ranting about how evil government is and how terrible liberal and socialistic doctrines are. It's time to show people the truth. It's time to show that American optimism. It's time to put on a great big Palin smile and say: "Well you know, all too often Government isn't the solution ...it's the problem."
What about 2012? I'll have something on that later...
Thanks for reading and remember to spread the truth!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Check these out!
1. What would it be like with Sen. Obama as President? Let's never find out!
Check out a bunch of great adds (and you could donate to help them reach more viewers!) here: www.neverfindout.org
If you want to see a fantastic discussion on why you should or shouldn't vote for a third-party candidate this year (and I highly encourage you to) go here: Patriot Acadmey: Third-Party Debate
Part of the debate is carried on with a focus on the economy here: Patriot Academy: The Economy And The Election .
You will want to see all the views (including mine) and arguments shared before you cast your vote!
Monday, October 13, 2008
We can win!
Pray, pray, pray!
"Pray without ceasing..." 1 Thess. 5:17
Monday, September 29, 2008
Mr. I'll-Talk-At-You vs. Mr. I'll-Talk-With-You
The debate revealed to different speaking styles and one major ego.
Although the debaters were credited for not making any blunders, Sen. Obama’s tirade on when he was the president he could do whatever he wanted to do, whenever he wanted to do it, seems to me to be a major gaffe.
“But I reserve the right, as president of the
The way Barack emphasized the above statement shows a deplorable lack of humility. The statement came out sounding like this…
“But I reserve the right, as president of the
Wow! Why wasn’t that the sound bite of the debate?
McCain noticing the presumption of his opponent (“as president, I”) shot back with:
“I'm not going to set the White House visitors schedule before I'm president of the
Besides Barack’s inability to “‘fess up” to his obvious mistakes about the Iraq surge and his proposed meetings without preconditions, his speaking style differed largely from that of John’s. It sounded like a debate between a conversationalist and a speech maker. It is surprising that after three days or more of preparation for this debate he was unable to match Sen. McCain’s rapport with the audience (I mean all of the audience - people watching and listening as well). Close, but not close enough.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Debate: Sarah vs. Barack?
Yes! Let's send in Gov. Sarah Palin!
Why not? See: http://palinforvp.blogspot.com/
An alternate idea:
"I would like to offer a variation of this very same idea:
Send Sarah Palin but don't announce it beforehand. In other words, the McCain camp could say that McCain is not going to debate, period (without mentioning the possibility of sending Sarah).
Sarah could be secretly sent to Mississippi without telling the media. Obama could begin the solo debate performance thinking that he's gonna have the night to himself. Ten minutes or so into the debate, Sarah walks in and takes him by surprise.
AND BINGO. It would be the most talked about debate event ever.
I know this sounds crazy, but there is a historical precedent for this in the U.S. Territory of Puerto Rico (which is where I'm from). Back in the 1988 gubernatorial election, the incumbent governor was facing an uphill re-election bid. There was some kind of crisis going on so he said that he was going to skip the debate in order to work on the crisis for the good of the people of PR. The debate went on though. His opponent was the only one on the stage while the other podium was empty. He began his solo performance thinking that he would have the night to himself. About 15 minutes into the debate, a guy in a suit walked past behind him towards the empty podium. It was the Governor of PR! The Governor won the debate and ended up winning the election. This political stunt was regarded as highly ingenious and effective. It essentially turned the race around, as the Governor looked poised and extremely confident thanks to the element of surprise involved.
This election season has been full of surprises. Sarah Palin could potentially pull off a similar stunt.
I know it sounds crazy, but I don't see any circumstance in which the CPD would not let Sarah Palin into the premises. That would be a suicidal move for the commission.
What does everyone think? Could Sarah "surprise" the world once again?"
Comment made by blogger ajv007 on the blog Draft Sarah Palin.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Put Palin On Oprah!
Want Sarah Palin to be on Oprah? Well Governor Palin hasn't been invited, so maybe we should help Oprah "remember" to invite Sarah Palin - the first GOP vice presidential candidate ever - to be on the Oprah Winfrey Show. Advertisement is always good and it would definitely be intriguing to audiences (remember Oprah endorsed Obama).
If your interested in giving Sarah Palin some free advertisement just sign the petition found at:
So far they have 83,000 signatures. When 100,000 signatures is reached they will send the petition to the Oprah Winfrey Show as well as hundreds of press releases announcing the news.
It's a real easy way to influence the media. Check it out!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Lincoln's Leadership Principles
- Unite followers with a "corporate mission."
- Set specific short-term goals that can be focused on with intent and immediacy by subordinates.
- Those leaders who achieve something at the head of one group will eclipse those who do nothing at the head of a hundred.
- Sometimes it is better to plough around obstacles rather than to waste time going through them.
- Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today.
- Your war will not be won by strategy alone, but more by hard, desperate fighting.
- Your task will neither be done nor attempted unless you watch it every day and hour, and force it.
- Remember that half-finished work generally proves to be labor lost.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Sarah Palin: America's Mom
According to some, McCain picked Sarah Palin to appeal to women. But let’s face it - Mothers appeal to everyone.
Unlike Hillary Clinton, who would have been
Moms appeal to everyone because…
1. Moms understand their children.
2. Moms get things done.
It’s about time
It’s about time
We’ll watch as “Our Mom” comes out to meet the parades, the rallies, the protests to end the war; saying to them: “Stop being babies! Grow up and act like adults!”
Our Mom will walk in front of soldiers and she will give her boys a little pep talk. They will hear her encouragement: “I know it’s hard, I know it’s hot, but you are making the world know about the American spirit; about liberty, about sacrifice, about perseverance. You make me proud every day of the American Armed Forces. Keep on to victory and every American - every real American - will be proud and excited to welcome you home.” Then her boys will give one of the loudest cheers the world has ever heard.
We’ve been asked to think about this “small town mayor” from
When gas prices begin to escalate once more, she will stand in the homes of hard working families where the parents have been laid off from their jobs because of severe gas prices. She will tell us of their plight. We will see with our own eyes their seriously sick child unable to be taken to the hospital because of their shortage of money. Then with tears running down her face she will ask, no plead, with
Are politics boring? Not anymore: Sarah Barracuda is here and she’s here to win.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Who Will David Barton Vote For?
Want to find out who David Barton, renowned voice on American history and politics, will vote for? Go to the link below:
Why are there no third party candidates included in the voting guide listed above? Because of the unfortunate fact: a third party will not win in this years’ election.
1. There are enough republicans that will vote republican this year and enough democrats that will vote democrat (or republican) this year that a third party candidate will not win.
It gets better…
2. Chuck Baldwin and Bob Barr are fighting to get the conservative vote. 1700 libertarians will probably vote for Bob Barr not Chuck Baldwin. That may not seem like a lot but if you’re running third party it is.
Shouldn’t that be changed? Maybe it should: but is this the year to try to change it by bringing an almost win to the attention of
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Answer From The Bob Barr Campaign!
Here is a condensed version of an email I received from Bob Barr's finance director Robert Stuber. This message explains why he thinks libertarian presidential candidate Bob Barr should be supported and answers my question about Bob Barr's chances of winning:
...Like me, you are fed up with the lies and deceits of BOTH the Republicans and Democrats. You are disgusted by the corruption that permeates government. And you recognize that our federal budget deficit is nearly $500 Billion and our national debt will soon be $10 Trillion.
...As much as I hate to admit it, on Election Day, unless a major breakthrough occurs, Bob Barr isn't likely to become our next President. But is not getting the most votes really a loss?
…Going back in our nation's history many of the greatest social changes were brought about as a result of independent and third party races.
Most recently, Ross Perot had an impact that impacted our nation for the better part of a decade. He focused "like a laser beam" on the economy, our national debt and the poor way our government is managed. It resulted in a change in Congress in 1994 and pushed Bill Clinton to balance the federal budget. I believe that had there not been a terrorist attack in 2001, we would still have a balanced budget and our economy would prosper.
So today, why should you invest in the Bob Barr campaign with your vote and your money?
It is simple. On November 5 all eyes are going to be focused not on the vote totals of who won, but on how many people voted for Bob Barr. How many people put principle over partisan politics and "threw their vote away for a lost cause?" The bigger the number, the more influence we will have over the next four years.
The Zogby poll suggests Bob Barr is already at 6% nationally. If we can double that or even triple it, we may not win the election, but we will have delivered to
Voters want smaller government, lower taxes, more freedom. Period.
Every member of Congress will also know EXACTLY how many votes Bob Barr got in their state or district. It will hang over their political head as a strong encouragement to do what needs to be done. The biggest fear of every politician is being defeated!...
Though it is true that the entire nation will look for the results of the election for all the different candidates, it is a unique suggestion that this will accomplish a following of the principles upheld by the not-close-enough candidates (yes there is more than one candidate trying to persuade conservatives to vote third party - Chuck Baldwin for one). If you believe that a third party candidate will change policy making in Washington think of Ralph Nader. I could be wrong but I don't see a lot of politicians quaking at the percentage of votes Mr. Nader received in previous elections and saying: "Boy I better change my policy, see Americans believe what Ralph believes if I don't change my tune I won't be re-elected!"
No, third party is not the answer: not this year at least. We need results; not risky gambling.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
One Soldier On Obama
Hello everyone,
As you know I am not a very political person. I just wanted to pass along that Senator Obama came to Bagram Afghanistan for about an hour on his visit to "The War Zone". I wanted to share with you what happened. He got off the plane* and got a bullet proof vehicle, got to the area to meet with the Major General (2 Star) who is the commander here at Bagram. As the Soldiers where (Editors note: were) lined up to shake his hand he blew them off and didn't say a word as he went into the conference room to meet the General. As he finished, the vehicles took him to the ClamShell (pretty much a big top tent that military personnel can play basketball or work out in with the weights) so he could take his publicity pictures playing basketball. He again shunned the opportunity to talk to Soldiers to thank them for their service. So really he was just here to make a showing for the American's back home that he is their candidate for President. I think that if you are going to make an effort to come all the way over here you would thank those that are providing the freedom that they are providing for you. I swear I we got more thanks form the NBA Basketball Players or the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders than from one of the Senators, who wants to be the President of the United States. I just don't understand why anyone would want him to be our Commander-and-Chief. It almost that he was scared to be around those that provide the freedom for him and our great country.
If this is blunt and to the point I am sorry but I wanted you all to know what kind of caliber of person he really is. What you see in the news is all fake.
*e added the the word (originally plan) to convey what I believe is the author intent.
Editors note: I do not know this soldier personally - my pastor received this forwarded letter and gave it to me. I believe it is true based on the nature of the forward (originally sent by a lady who does know the soldier personally) - Trent
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Live Like a Leader - Part 1: The First Law
There are laws for leadership?
21 According to John C. Maxwell. In his book The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, Maxwell states:
“Personal and organizational effectiveness is proportionate to the strength of leadership.”
There you have it law number one: THE LAW OF THE LID
Dick and Maurice started their own theater. Dick and Maurice decided that a restaurant might work better. Dick and Maurice were smart. Dick and Maurice realized that specializing in hamburgers was the thing to do. Dick and Maurice invented there own system: the Speedy Service System. Dick and Maurice were successful. They decided it was time to expand. They decided it was time to do the franchise thing. One problem: Dick and Maurice were managers. Dick and Maurice were not leaders. This was a big problem a very, very big problem.
Did you know that’s how McDonald's started? Did you know the brothers would have never gone global without a guy named Ray Kroc (who was a leader and ended up buying what is today the McDonald’s Corporation)?
Are you a good leader?
1. If you aren’t one, you won’t be very effective. It’s because of the “lid”. It’s like those computer games where you must first achieve the first level before moving on: there is a “lid” to how far you can go. You can’t just build up enough skill to get to level three and then be able to get the rewards of playing on level thirty.
2. Being a better leader doesn’t just add to your effectiveness it multiplies it!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Should conservatives back McCain?
McCain has two options. He is seriously considering both: try to get the conservative vote (like a conservative vice president pick and policy slanted towards conservatives) or try for the independent vote (by picking an independent like Joe Lieberman for VP).
If you were John McCain, what would you do if…
James Dobson (founder of Focus on the Family and a voice for family and conservative values) said:
“I cannot and I will not vote for Sen. John McCain as a matter of conscience…”?
Well he did. Not only that but after speaking on how he could not vote for Obama and Hillary (at the time still in the race) he reasserted his anti-McCain position by stating:
“If these are the nominees in November, I simply will not cast a ballot for president for the first time in my life…” *
What would you do if…
Rush Limbaugh and other conservative talk show hosts continue to state their disappointment in you as one of this years candidates?
If conservatives were saying this about you; would you try to get their vote?
What should we do?
Support McCain. Back the guy who is almost a liberal? Yes that’s the key. If McCain gets in by the outspoken support of conservatives it would be beneficial either way. If McCain is being backed by conservatives, knowing he should not “bite the hand that feeds him”, he will stand for (or at least close to) conservative principles. If he on the other hand gets in as president and ignores the conservatives, he pretty much rules out his chances for re-election.
I am not saying that we should support some of the things McCain has voted for in the past (which he may even continue to support). No, we should support the things that we agree with and push for a changed McCain.
If we support him, he may well stand for conservative principles (yes, I believe people can change). But, if we as conservatives shun him and withdraw input and advice to his campaign, we are doomed to not only lose the election to the socialistic Barack Obama, but also as it were, push McCain to become more liberalistic.
In conclusion:
I am not advocating go to the polls and cast your vote for the lesser of the two evils. I am advocating strong, active and outspoken support for John McCain as the conservative’s choice for President of the
* http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=55665
3 x 5 Power - Part 1: Read and Remember
Having trouble remembering a book you just read?
Taking notes while reading a book is an old concept, but a good one. The problem is that you have to somehow find your book a pen and a notebook. Never fear 3 x 5 Power is here!
1. Find a 3 x 5 card.
Actually find several. If you don’t have some you can make them out of cardstock or paper. Three-by-five is a convenient size that fits inside most books.
2. Find a book.
3. Use the 3 x 5 card as a bookmark.
4. Take notes.
Find the key points to the book and put them down on paper. Anything else you think is good? Write it down.
Closing tips:
You should use a lot of three-by-five cards (unless your book is very short), but don’t re-write the book. Later you can condense your cards down to just a few by eliminating information you think is unimportant.
Taking notes is particularly beneficial when reading through a library book. Later if you want to remember the content of the book just look through your notes!