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Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Evangelism Connection

With any election you need the majority in order to win. The "religious right" (religious being used as a broad term including many religions) has been a sought after commodity for any election throughout the history of our nation. McCain didn't get it - the religious right that is. Statistics from a Pew Research poll show that...

78% voted for Obama

54% voted for Obama (45% for McCain)

Other Faiths 
73% voted for Obama (Strange... but the change to voting Democrat from 2004 to 2008 is -1. That means that those in the "Other Faiths" group voted for McCain more than they did for Bush!)

75% for Obama


Protestant/Other Christian
55% for McCain
45% for Obama (Wow! Truly more Pastors need to preach some patriotic -  political - sermon.)

Evangelical/Born Again
73% for McCain 
23% for Obama (Somebody needs to explain things to these "Born Again Christians", that or they need to change there name. The change, from 2004, to voting democrat is +5!)

Non Evangelical
55% for McCain 
44% for Obama (Actually there is no change between democrat voting this year - it's is the same as '04). 

More Christians need to take the time to research who they vote for. Also, we should never assume that anybody is "in the tank" for whichever candidate we support. This poll also shows that evangelism is an indirect key to winning elections! 


  1. Protestant/Other Christian: 45% for Obama, man that's just sad. Do you have a link for the Pew poll that I can share?
