Problems with Constitutionalism arrise when we stumble one of there favorite issues: war.
The War on Terrorism:
Yes, they do mention it as the War On Terrorism (not as the War on Iraq - which it isn't), but only once and with quotes as if we weren’t actually fighting against terrorists.
The "war on terrorism" is serving as an excuse for the government to spend beyond its income, expand the Federal bureaucracy, and socialize the nation through taxpayer bailouts of the airlines, subsidies to the giant insurance corporations, and other Federal programs.
They also bash the Patriot Act as if there was some sort of conspiracy that the government has devised to “get you”. (For more info on the Patriot Act, it’s founders, purpose, and huge success, you should read the book by former Attorney General John Ashcroft: Never Again).
We deplore and vigorously oppose legislation and executive action that deprive the people of their rights secured under the Fourth and Fifth Amendments under the guise of "combating terrorism" or "protecting national security." Examples of such legislation are the National Security Act, the USA PATRIOT Act, and the proposed Domestic Securities Enhancement Act (colloquially known as the "Patriot II"), and the Military Commissions Act.
To be contiued...
Also in this series: Sister Constitutionalist? Part 1; Sister Constitutionalist? The Concluding Episode
I think it's so interesting that the source you prefer is Ashcroft. He is the one who could gain the most power from such an act.
The "War on Terrorism" is a lot like the "War on Obesity." It is NOT a war. There are no boundaries, no specific (achievable) objective, just a vague sense that we must do something.
What scares me about this war is that it does not have a clear foe. Who might get turning into "collateral damage?"
The Patriot Act (and the accompanying acts such as Military Commissions, which are even more frightening) are examples of such damage.
If you want to be able to arrest, detain, even torture anyone the Prez calls a "terrorist," at least make a constitutional amendment. Gee. And now that Obama is our fearless leader, do you still want him to have that much power?
> < > Brian
It's easy to shoot down other things people come up with, especially government, it's a sorry gift that many possess. Do you have a suggestion for what we should be doing?
ReplyDeleteYes, power is given to the Government in the Patriot Act. Do you know why it was created? Because our current system for fighting terrorism was messed up, archaic, and flat did not work. MANY ATTACKS WERE STOPPED BY THE USA P.A.T.R.I.O.T ACT!
Have you read the book? You really should it's got a lot of useful info, and tons of stories, about the what, why, and how of the act. I think Our President can do almost anything he wants without the help of the Patriot Act.
Thank you for your input. I am sure there are ways you can misuse the Patriot Act. I want to say I am against the use of torture and I'm glad you brought it up.
May God bless you with wisdom,
- Trent