"Trajectory Shift" Is A Must Read!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Camping in the Rain!
I'm praying for deliverance from arranging and rearranging tarps, stakes (to hold the tarps down), and poles (to keep the tarps in desired positions) as the seconds boom louder than the thunder and my worried perspiring soaks faster than the light rain falling around me.
The next blog post will be delayed until Monday, May 4th.
So, until next time this is,
-Your Friendly Neighborhood Trent Williams.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Confessions of an Excuse-Making Soda Addict
You may remember that my "new years resolution" was to, above other things, quit soda (or pop, coke, or soda water as it is sometimes referred to as, but really isn't).
To make a short story long...
Except... for the five soda's I've had since the resolution was made. You see I haven't quite figured out how to tell my employer and he keeps giving soda at break time and the other two times I, well...
Rules about resolution making:
1. Resolutions Require Exceptions (the more the merrier)
Exceptions to My Soda Quiting Resolution:
A. If someone doesn't know about your resolution and they have already bought/poured some soda for you and you think it would cause them pain for you to not drink the soda (or if it happens to be Root Bear - my personal favorite), drink the soda.
B. If there is nothing else to drink and you are about to become dehydrated to the point of death.
C. If someone forces you to drink the stuff at gun point.
D. If someone else will be killed or caused physical pain on the even that you do not drink some soda.
E. Seltzer Water (used in pretty much in all of the non-alcoholic punches in existence) is not considered by Trent Williams to be soda (even though the major ingredient is carbonated water).
I hope you enjoy insanity and zaniness, er I mean, creativity -yeah thats what it is: creativity - as much as I do (If not let me know and I'll go back to those "lovely" intellectual articles.)
Your Friendly Neighborhood Trent Williams
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Critique Week:
Monday, April 13, 2009
Sunday School Teacher Extraordinaire
Recently, I acquired a Sunday school. I now teach the Jr. High class at our church. Adding Sunday School teacher to my list of things I do, not learning, not almost, not one day, no, Sunday school teacher I am. Yes it’s amazing, now I can strut my stuff and puff out my chest: I AM A SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER!
*definitely “un” something… **I may be stretching it a little, but its pretty much fact : )
No, the only “Sunday School Teacher Extraordinaire” is the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus spoke with power and authority; I sound worse than Mr. Obama with a malfunctioning teleprompter! Jesus drew crowds of thousands to hear him speak and see his miracles; the only miracle that happens in my class is that we get most of the way through the lesson before the time is up.
Oh, I almost forgot, the best part about the last two Sundays? My one and only pupil actually showed up!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
What's happening?
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
The Concert Balcony
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Stevens Cleared! and Chicago Politics
Friday, April 3, 2009
Coming Soon: Live Blogging!
The air is cool and blowing hard...
It’s getting dark outside.
Inside the monotony of repetition, so long in its revolving cycle it has turned to habit, is hardly noticed as thoughts of “When I complete this project I can start finishing the rest of the required reading I started a week ago” and others of striking similarity run through the heads of the occupants of the cottage.
Sound a little too familiar (except the cottage part)?
Well, let’s kick monotonous planned regularity out the door.
Let’s do something new, fun, and even slightly educational and Live Blog!
Here’s how it works:
1. We synchronize schedules*.
*NOTE: when I refer to timing I will be using Central Time (hey, this is a
2. Come to my blog at the set time.
3. Click on the “comments” button under the first post on the page.
4. Comment back and forth real time!
Feedback Needed:
If you are interested, or even just remotely amused by this idea, I need to know what time will work for you. I have no set-in-stone bloggin schedule so go ahead and let me know what your's is by leaving a comment.
Thank you for your time; I am indebted to all of ya’ll,
Author of the intriguing Brother Libertarian? (just in case you haven't read it!).
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Sister Constitutionalist? The Concluding Episode
Continued from Sister Constitutionalist? Part 2:
Despite the historical facts, there remain those who would have us all “jump ship” for a third party. Seeing our options are limited, the Constitutionalist Party is advocated by some as the party to jump to. Despite their few good points and a novel (I’m not sure what to make of it) take on taxes, it remains to be asked: “Is this party truly Conservative?”
Unique Tax Policy:
To the degree that tariffs on foreign products, and excises, are insufficient to cover the legitimate Constitutional costs of the federal government, we will offer an apportioned "state-rate tax" in which the responsibility for covering the cost of unmet obligations will be divided among the several states in accordance with their proportion of the total population of these United States, excluding the District of Columbia. Thus, if a state contains 10 percent of the nation's citizens, it will be responsible for assuming payment of 10 percent of the annual deficit.
Also in this series: Sister Constitutionalist? Part 1; Sister Constitutionalist? Part 2