Upstate New York is what I'm talking about. I'm originally from that area (I mean this in an extremely general way - almost the entire state is upstate!) so this one is close to (my former) home. Why couldn't the GOP step in and endorse/fund the conservative guy (why not just say "Ooopps! Our Chairman over in New York just blew it and picked someone who doesn't represent our values at all so were funding this Gentleman that does?)? Just because he was beating them fair and square?
[My info was gained partly from and the Republican Michigander blog - which I recommend you visit for their take on this]
Texas Results:
Although a red state, Texas passed all of it's proposed constitutional amendments. OK that was the bad news... what's worse is that not even 10% of my county turned out to vote.
The almost, but-not-even-close-to-being, good news:
The closest contests were on two bad propositions...
Prop. 1 "The constitutional amendment authorizing the financing, including through tax increment financing, of the acquisition by municipalities and counties of buffer areas or open spaces adjacent to a military installation for the prevention of encroachment or for the construction of roadways, utilities, or other infrastructure to protect or promote the mission of the military installation."
(Why? Tax increase plus, governmental growth is BAD)
Prop. 4: "The constitutional amendment establishing the national research university fund to enable emerging research universities in this state to achieve national prominence as major research universities and transferring the balance of the higher education fund to the national research university fund."
(Increase in funding, especially at this time is BAD).
I think I very well may try to become Precinct Chairman...
- Trent
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