"Trajectory Shift" Is A Must Read!

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Monday, September 29, 2008

Mr. I'll-Talk-At-You vs. Mr. I'll-Talk-With-You

The debate revealed to different speaking styles and one major ego.

Although the debaters were credited for not making any blunders, Sen. Obama’s tirade on when he was the president he could do whatever he wanted to do, whenever he wanted to do it, seems to me to be a major gaffe.

“But I reserve the right, as president of the United States to meet with anybody at a time and place of my choosing if I think it's going to keep America safe.”

The way Barack emphasized the above statement shows a deplorable lack of humility. The statement came out sounding like this…

“But I reserve the right, as president of the United States to meet with anybody at a time and place of my choosing if I think it's going to keep America safe.”

Wow! Why wasn’t that the sound bite of the debate?

McCain noticing the presumption of his opponent (“as president, I”) shot back with:

“I'm not going to set the White House visitors schedule before I'm president of the United States. I don't even have a seal yet.”

Besides Barack’s inability to “‘fess up” to his obvious mistakes about the Iraq surge and his proposed meetings without preconditions, his speaking style differed largely from that of John’s. It sounded like a debate between a conversationalist and a speech maker. It is surprising that after three days or more of preparation for this debate he was unable to match Sen. McCain’s rapport with the audience (I mean all of the audience - people watching and listening as well). Close, but not close enough.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Debate: Sarah vs. Barack?

Should McCain send Palin to debate Obama?

Yes! Let's send in Gov. Sarah Palin!

Why not? See: http://palinforvp.blogspot.com/

An alternate idea:

"I would like to offer a variation of this very same idea:

Send Sarah Palin but don't announce it beforehand. In other words, the McCain camp could say that McCain is not going to debate, period (without mentioning the possibility of sending Sarah).

Sarah could be secretly sent to Mississippi without telling the media. Obama could begin the solo debate performance thinking that he's gonna have the night to himself. Ten minutes or so into the debate, Sarah walks in and takes him by surprise.

AND BINGO. It would be the most talked about debate event ever.

I know this sounds crazy, but there is a historical precedent for this in the U.S. Territory of Puerto Rico (which is where I'm from). Back in the 1988 gubernatorial election, the incumbent governor was facing an uphill re-election bid. There was some kind of crisis going on so he said that he was going to skip the debate in order to work on the crisis for the good of the people of PR. The debate went on though. His opponent was the only one on the stage while the other podium was empty. He began his solo performance thinking that he would have the night to himself. About 15 minutes into the debate, a guy in a suit walked past behind him towards the empty podium. It was the Governor of PR! The Governor won the debate and ended up winning the election. This political stunt was regarded as highly ingenious and effective. It essentially turned the race around, as the Governor looked poised and extremely confident thanks to the element of surprise involved.

This election season has been full of surprises. Sarah Palin could potentially pull off a similar stunt.
I know it sounds crazy, but I don't see any circumstance in which the CPD would not let Sarah Palin into the premises. That would be a suicidal move for the commission.

What does everyone think? Could Sarah "surprise" the world once again?"

Comment made by blogger ajv007 on the blog Draft Sarah Palin.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Put Palin On Oprah!

Want Sarah Palin to be on Oprah? Well Governor Palin hasn't been invited, so maybe we should help Oprah "remember" to invite Sarah Palin - the first GOP vice presidential candidate ever - to be on the Oprah Winfrey Show. Advertisement is always good and it would definitely be intriguing to audiences (remember Oprah endorsed Obama).

If your interested in giving Sarah Palin some free advertisement just sign the petition found at:


So far they have 83,000 signatures. When 100,000 signatures is reached they will send the petition to
the Oprah Winfrey Show as well as hundreds of press releases announcing the news.

It's a real easy way to influence the media. Check it out!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Lincoln's Leadership Principles

Lincoln On Leadership by Donald T. Phillips is a terrific book. One of the most useful features to the book is the section called "Lincoln Principles" found at the end of every chapter. This short summary of what was just taught is great for note taking, skim reading and re-reads. Here is one those sections:

  • Unite followers with a "corporate mission."
  • Set specific short-term goals that can be focused on with intent and immediacy by subordinates.
  • Those leaders who achieve something at the head of one group will eclipse those who do nothing at the head of a hundred.
  • Sometimes it is better to plough around obstacles rather than to waste time going through them.
  • Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today.
  • Your war will not be won by strategy alone, but more by hard, desperate fighting.
  • Your task will neither be done nor attempted unless you watch it every day and hour, and force it.
  • Remember that half-finished work generally proves to be labor lost.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Sarah Palin: America's Mom

According to some, McCain picked Sarah Palin to appeal to women. But let’s face it - Mothers appeal to everyone.

Unlike Hillary Clinton, who would have been America’s first woman to be president; Sarah Palin is going to be America’s first mother.

Moms appeal to everyone because…

1. Moms understand their children.

As America’s Mom, Sarah Palin, has experience being a normal person - not a lifelong politician living in Washington forgetting how their decisions affect every day Americans.

2. Moms get things done.

It’s about time America had a mother. Someone to say: “Hey that’s wrong! If you do that you’re going to get hurt!”

It’s about time America had someone to look these “sons of liberty” in the eye and say: “I’m disappointed in you…” someone to go to her adult “children” playing around in Washington and say: “You ought to be ashamed of yourselves!”

We’ll watch as “Our Mom” comes out to meet the parades, the rallies, the protests to end the war; saying to them: “Stop being babies! Grow up and act like adults!”

Our Mom will walk in front of soldiers and she will give her boys a little pep talk. They will hear her encouragement: “I know it’s hard, I know it’s hot, but you are making the world know about the American spirit; about liberty, about sacrifice, about perseverance. You make me proud every day of the American Armed Forces. Keep on to victory and every American - every real American - will be proud and excited to welcome you home.” Then her boys will give one of the loudest cheers the world has ever heard.

We’ve been asked to think about this “small town mayor” from Alaska, sitting across from Vladimir Putin; so let’s take a moment to do so. Imagine Mother Bear sitting there across from Putin and this is what she is saying: “You better leave my children alone because if you even think about starting another war I am going to give you the hardest spanking you’ve ever felt.”

When gas prices begin to escalate once more, she will stand in the homes of hard working families where the parents have been laid off from their jobs because of severe gas prices. She will tell us of their plight. We will see with our own eyes their seriously sick child unable to be taken to the hospital because of their shortage of money. Then with tears running down her face she will ask, no plead, with America: beg to allow drilling in Alaska and other forbidden areas. She will look into our eyes and we will hear her say: “Which is more important to you, polar bears or people?”

Are politics boring? Not anymore: Sarah Barracuda is here and she’s here to win. Washington is going to get the message loud and clear. It’s time to clean up their room - not next year, not tomorrow, not even this afternoon - right this very instant.