"Trajectory Shift" Is A Must Read!

The announcement is here!

Friday, March 27, 2009


Raking leaves for my neighbor proved one thing: I'm a wimp. No, this didn't come as a surprise and no, no one else was surprised either. One good thing did come of it though: my endurance level reminded me of my presumptuousness

"This ought to take me, oh, about 2 hrs."* 

Guess what? I'm still working on those leaves, and it's only been a couple weeks! Alright there has been some rain, sickness, and... 

*I actually didn't give my neighbor an estimate, but it would have been close to "2 or 3 days" which is nowhere close to what's actually happened.

At least to myself, I have, in the past, made all sorts of commitments. Like my "grandiose" magic show, even my daily scheduling runs into serious trouble when it's time, or I should when it isn't time, to carry out these plans. This whole WilliamsForRep thing runs into serious trouble as well. How do I know if I will become a State Representative? Only God knows and only by his grace will I get anywhere at all. I don't honestly know what tomorrow holds, but I do know that God is in control and he has something probably a whole lot better than politics in store for me (and you too!)!

Go to now, ye that say, To day or to morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. 
For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that.  
James 4:13-15

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Scratch Beginnings:

Written by Adam Shephard Scratch Beginnings documents his experiences living in America, (Charleston, South Carolina - city chosen out of a hat) with 25 bucks, the clothes on his back, and a gym bag containing a tarp and a sleeping bag. Points to learn from his journey:

1. Hard Work: it works.

2. Homeless Shelters: they stink (litererally).

3. Jobs: Make the manager see it's his a mistake not to hire you. "I'm awsome (in whatever area you really are good at), either you want me or you don't."

4. Clothing: check out Goodwill.

5. Stuff: Don't need it, don't buy it.

6. Furniture: You want it? Become a mover.

7. Housing: Should only cost 1/3 of your income.

Although the book is intriguing and informative, I can't give this a "go tell all your friends to read it" rating given the amount of profanity included in it. All I can say is the guy set a goal from being homeless to having an apartment, something like $2,500 in savings and a operable vehicle in one year, and he got it. The theme of the book is hard work will get you anywhere and that wrong choices, well, there your fault.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

What'd ya' want?

It's the start of a new year (at least for me). It's time to refocus. I'm setting goals. Time to revamp.

So, what'd ya' want?

Here's what I want:

1. No more opinion pieces (who needs to waste their with one more stinker of a blog?).

2. Something focused. Me, myself, what I'm learning, and how far I'm progressing.

3. A journey so exciting it will make you check every week for the next post (with fun stuff in between - like the movie trailer).

4. Helpful stuff that you can use in your journey for success.

5. A coming soon spot to excite you even more.

That means:

A. I will continue to write informative articles like Sister Constitutionalist?, but I will not write garbage like "Why I think Obama is a Dope!" (which I don't, I think he is a very intelligent, but misguided, man doing what he thinks is best for himself and his country - notice the order.)

B. Not a diary (something written for yourself to read). A online jurnal of sorts, without any looser information like "Today I Brushed my Teeth".

C. Only stuff I think you might be interesting or helpful to you.

But what do you want?

Go ahead let me know. I will reply to every single boring comment, so I dare you, leave one!



Coming Soon: Slices of Adam Shepherds Scratch Beginnings (or how to survive in America with nothing but 25$ and the clothes on your back.)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Sister Constitutionalist? Part 2

Problems with Constitutionalism arrise when we stumble one of there favorite issues: war. 

The War on Terrorism:

Yes, they do mention it as the War On Terrorism (not as the War on Iraq - which it isn't), but only once and with quotes as if we weren’t actually fighting against terrorists. 
The "war on terrorism" is serving as an excuse for the government to spend beyond its income, expand the Federal bureaucracy, and socialize the nation through taxpayer bailouts of the airlines, subsidies to the giant insurance corporations, and other Federal programs. 

They also bash the Patriot Act as if there was some sort of conspiracy that the government has devised to “get you”. (For more info on the Patriot Act, it’s founders, purpose, and huge success, you should read the book by former Attorney General John Ashcroft: Never Again).   

We deplore and vigorously oppose legislation and executive action that deprive the people of their rights secured under the Fourth and Fifth Amendments under the guise of  "combating terrorism" or "protecting national security." Examples of such legislation are the National Security Act, the USA PATRIOT Act, and the proposed Domestic Securities Enhancement Act (colloquially known as the "Patriot II"), and the Military Commissions Act.

Conspiracy and the Constitution, that's what it's all about.

To be contiued...

Also in this series: Sister Constitutionalist? Part 1; Sister Constitutionalist? The Concluding Episode

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Today is my birthday! Being 18 has, so far been great!

2009 Resolution:

1. Quit Drinking Soda
2. Cut Down on Computer Time

Please note that all resolutions (not all given here) begin tommorrow.

Hope you have a day as good as mine!


Monday, March 2, 2009

1 Day Left!

Only one day left to the big day (my birthday, March 4th)!

Today we watched Volcanoes Under the Sea at a planetarium (basically the same as watching an Imax film), fascinating except for the evolution "facts".

Since I have the twisted notion that my birthday is the start of my new year, I will be posting 2009 resolutions (no, I'm not late, it's, uhh... style. Right.)
