"Trajectory Shift" Is A Must Read!

The announcement is here!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

What about Georgia?

In 2010 Republican Sonny Perdue will be replaced (because of term limits). Who will be next? Right now, who even cares?

One blogger does. Grace Explosion's blog, Draft Ray McBerry Governor of Georgia 2010, has already seen fruit to her labors. Ray McBerry, a Georgia business owner originally began his race as a candidate in the 2006 gubernatorial primaries. The details of that race, according to his website, are as follows:

After garnering nearly 50,000 votes in the Republican primary of 2006
against a strongly-entrenched incumbent... and with only 90 days to campaign...
it was obvious immediately that the strong States' Rights message of Ray's
"Georgia First" campaign was a resounding success with Georgia voters who heard

Now he's at it again. After some internal polling to see if his followers were in it for the long haul, Ray McBerry has made it official on his website: 2010 is going to see a lot of "Ray McBerry for Gov." signs. A conservative Christian McBerry's message of "Not Atalanta...Not Washington...But GEORGIA FIRST!" is a breath of fresh air in politics.

We'll have to see what God has in store for him... and Georgia.

Only Four Day's Left!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day 2: White Watering to the White House

I enjoy elections, even if the outcome isn’t all that pleasant. I like politics, to a degree. I (wow, this is getting pretty egotistical, not to mention redundant) especially get a kick out of running for offices, even though my average of winning is, well… zip.


So here’s the challenge: what do you think is the best raft to use in getting to “Washington” (to be a little more realistic let’s say Austin, State Capitol of Texas)? You can vote on the poll and/or leave a comment. If I have overlooked some great way make sure and let me know. Here are a few possibilities:


The Military.

Local Politics (City Council, Mayor etc.).

Business Owner (Yeah, I know this is supposed to make you a “shoe in”, but it didn’t work that well for Romney).

Banker (I don’t think so, would you vote for one?).

The Ministry (Pastor, youth pastor etc. Huckabee? Not necessarily.).

Accountant (This is a really good possibility that my brother came up with, I mean hey, who wouldn’t want a politician with accounting skills?).

Newspaperman/Newspaper Owner (Publicize yourself in a good light! Think of Bloomberg.)

T.V. Guy (does this bring anyone to mind? No, it couldn’t be Al Franken!)

Actor (Hey, Ronnie did it!)

The Medical Field (Lot’s of great possibilities here, any problems? One: Dr. No. Number Two: blood.)

Money Maker (Similar to Banker, make a lot so you can spend it on your run for office. Basically an “other” category - yes I’m cheating by including it.)


Don’t worry about your vote changing my mind, it hasn’t yet! I’m just kidding.


Have fun,



Only six day’s left!  

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Blogathon: Countdown to the Big One Eight!

My birthday is march 4th. I'm real excited about it. I'm always sick. 

O.k., I don't think I was sick on my 5th, 6th, or 11th birthdays, but I certainly was last year, and the year before that, and... So here I am, one week from my birthday, writing with a pile of tissues next to the keyboard and a headache from staying awake with a fever half the night. Please pray that I will recover in time for the bang up celebration (I don't mean to be selfish, It's just, well...)

To show how excited I am, I have decided to post every day from now till my birthday.  

You don't have to spend a lot on me, but if you feel so led you may park any donations outside my house (e-mail me for directions). 

Remember: It's only one week from today! 

7 (or 6 depending on how you count it) days to 18

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Sister Constitutionalist? Part 1

Our current government has problems.

The constitution worked.

“Go Constitutionalism!”

That’s the case for Constitutionalism in a nutshell: Return to the constitution in its purest form. “What is the purest form of the Constitution?” you may ask. The answer to this question lies in a grey pool of a few arguable facts and many, many arguable opinions. To fully understand the position taken by Constitutionalists we need to examine their platform and the ideology that it is based upon. While doing this, we will take a look at the party’s similarity to Libertarianism, the good points to Constitutionalism, and the incorrect views they hold as well.

You’ve met my “brother”?

Interestingly, the entire quagmire of articles making up the party platform reads as if it were the Gospel According to Ron Paul (Libertarian, in mind if not in name, who unsuccessfully ran for president in the Republican primaries - bringing great dismay to many Constitutionalists). An example of “Ron Paulism” from the platform reads:

One of the greatest contributors to deficit spending is war. If the country is to get rid of debt, these United States cannot become gratuitously involved in constant wars. Constitutional government, as the founders envisioned it, was not imperial. It was certainly not contemplated that America would police the world at the taxpayers’ expense.

Notice the wording “become gratuitously involved in constant wars” (emphasis mine) and “police the world at the taxpayers’ expense”. (While getting rid of the national debt should be on our short list of priorities it should not be first and foremost. Survival is a little bit more important.) Clearly, the ties to libertarianism are strong as seen by this example (almost identical to the Libertarian’s position on national defense):

The Constitution Party has consistently opposed American involvement in conflicts in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Europe, and Central and South America. These United States has no interest in these areas which would justify the sacrifice of Americans on foreign battlefields - nor is our country properly cast as a merchant of death in international arms races.

Here we see that our possible sister has met our impossible “brother” (Libertarianism is, in actuality, an entirely separate political ideology and not related to us Conservatives).

Too be continued....

Also in this series: Sister Constitutionalist? Part 2; Sister Constitutionalist? The Concluding Episode

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Today we received the word.  I was invited. We went.

"Your son won Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion for clothing" the voice on the phone informed my mother. 

"Both?" my surprised mother queried. 

"Yes, isn't that great!" came the reply.

Mom got off the telephone and told us all. We looked around in bewilderment. I had entered a few other items in different categories in the clothing division but they hadn't been in the "top dog" lane. The wedding dress was our best effort at taking the highest clothing prize of the fair and we were relieved to make it, but what was this about an additional Reserve Grand Champion award? 

"It must have been the hat" I piped up, referring to a smocked beret that I had made as well. 

With half of us doubting what had really been said on the phone (I personally thought that there had been a miscommunication and that I had won Reserve Grand Champ only, for the gown) Our family arrived early to see for sure what had happened. Sure enough, the smocked hat had indeed bested other more time consuming and elaborate pieces to take the esteemed place of Reserve Grand Champion. Right there hanging for all to see was the simple white gown with a sign labelling it the top winner. 

(I don't want to mislead anyone here. There are several other categories that received Grand Champion Prizes, e.g. wood working, art etc. Also, there are two awards, for people who send in many many clothing items to compete for a separate "big shot" prize.)

I also netted a Reserve Grand Champion for a box I had decorated with egg shells. This was a huge shock as it had to beat out everything in creative arts (which includes a lot of neat items in the recycled craft category, which can be pretty big stuff.). That was a total shocker. I hadn't even liked the box. I had thought that it would very fortunate if it got first or second in the decorated boxes category. We then got to attend the awards ceremony (what the lady on the phone invited us to) and celebrate with all the other winners (and losers too). 

I must praise and thank my sisters for all the time they sacrificed to oversee the projects and repeat again and again: "Trent, your going to have to take that out and put it back in right". All the rest of the honor goes to God. He is very good and without him I never would have had the patience and perseverance to get through.

If you ever need to make a wedding dress get Him on board and you'll be amazed at the the outcome!

P.S. The wedding dress is for sale retailing at $600. With mention of this blog we will give a special reduced price (we are willing to negotiate). If you know anyone getting married that or thinking about getting married that may be interested in buying the dress (they will need to have or obtain a 25 inch waist as well) email me at williamsforrep@yahoo.com. Or call: (254) 985-9260. More info with the rest of the measurements will be posted along with a picture soon.



Monday, February 9, 2009

Extra! Read all about it!

Important news flash:

I just finished sewing a wedding dress. 

(You may need to reread the previous sentence.) Yes, that's right, a wedding dress. No, I'm not getting married (at least not any time soon), and no, no one in my family is either, but all 19 buttons are on, and the 18 inch long zipper is in (and it works). I am so glad it's all over. Actually it wasn't that big of a deal, the dress is pretty simple and the one on one coaching is the only reason it ever happened (my older sisters should get all the credit). I just dropped it off at the County Youth Fair (4-H, FFA, and local schools all compete in one pretty good sized fair) with a lot of apprehension (lets hope it doesn't get ruined, oh, and I wouldn't mind if it placed well!). 

This means I have more time to upgrade the blog a little and hopefully get back to regular posting (I hear those groans!).

New Attractions:

A Blog Roll with the bloggers (all post on politics, at least a little) I know.  


The article Sister Constitutionalist? will be out probably this weekend so... 

See ya' next time!


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Coming Soon: Sister Constitutionalist?

From the author that brought you a condemnation of Libertarianism comes....

An article on what it means to be a Constitutionalist and why he ain't one.

Stay tuned for it's release sometime after Febuary 9th!