"Trajectory Shift" Is A Must Read!

The announcement is here!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Today we received the word.  I was invited. We went.

"Your son won Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion for clothing" the voice on the phone informed my mother. 

"Both?" my surprised mother queried. 

"Yes, isn't that great!" came the reply.

Mom got off the telephone and told us all. We looked around in bewilderment. I had entered a few other items in different categories in the clothing division but they hadn't been in the "top dog" lane. The wedding dress was our best effort at taking the highest clothing prize of the fair and we were relieved to make it, but what was this about an additional Reserve Grand Champion award? 

"It must have been the hat" I piped up, referring to a smocked beret that I had made as well. 

With half of us doubting what had really been said on the phone (I personally thought that there had been a miscommunication and that I had won Reserve Grand Champ only, for the gown) Our family arrived early to see for sure what had happened. Sure enough, the smocked hat had indeed bested other more time consuming and elaborate pieces to take the esteemed place of Reserve Grand Champion. Right there hanging for all to see was the simple white gown with a sign labelling it the top winner. 

(I don't want to mislead anyone here. There are several other categories that received Grand Champion Prizes, e.g. wood working, art etc. Also, there are two awards, for people who send in many many clothing items to compete for a separate "big shot" prize.)

I also netted a Reserve Grand Champion for a box I had decorated with egg shells. This was a huge shock as it had to beat out everything in creative arts (which includes a lot of neat items in the recycled craft category, which can be pretty big stuff.). That was a total shocker. I hadn't even liked the box. I had thought that it would very fortunate if it got first or second in the decorated boxes category. We then got to attend the awards ceremony (what the lady on the phone invited us to) and celebrate with all the other winners (and losers too). 

I must praise and thank my sisters for all the time they sacrificed to oversee the projects and repeat again and again: "Trent, your going to have to take that out and put it back in right". All the rest of the honor goes to God. He is very good and without him I never would have had the patience and perseverance to get through.

If you ever need to make a wedding dress get Him on board and you'll be amazed at the the outcome!

P.S. The wedding dress is for sale retailing at $600. With mention of this blog we will give a special reduced price (we are willing to negotiate). If you know anyone getting married that or thinking about getting married that may be interested in buying the dress (they will need to have or obtain a 25 inch waist as well) email me at williamsforrep@yahoo.com. Or call: (254) 985-9260. More info with the rest of the measurements will be posted along with a picture soon.



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