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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day 2: White Watering to the White House

I enjoy elections, even if the outcome isn’t all that pleasant. I like politics, to a degree. I (wow, this is getting pretty egotistical, not to mention redundant) especially get a kick out of running for offices, even though my average of winning is, well… zip.


So here’s the challenge: what do you think is the best raft to use in getting to “Washington” (to be a little more realistic let’s say Austin, State Capitol of Texas)? You can vote on the poll and/or leave a comment. If I have overlooked some great way make sure and let me know. Here are a few possibilities:


The Military.

Local Politics (City Council, Mayor etc.).

Business Owner (Yeah, I know this is supposed to make you a “shoe in”, but it didn’t work that well for Romney).

Banker (I don’t think so, would you vote for one?).

The Ministry (Pastor, youth pastor etc. Huckabee? Not necessarily.).

Accountant (This is a really good possibility that my brother came up with, I mean hey, who wouldn’t want a politician with accounting skills?).

Newspaperman/Newspaper Owner (Publicize yourself in a good light! Think of Bloomberg.)

T.V. Guy (does this bring anyone to mind? No, it couldn’t be Al Franken!)

Actor (Hey, Ronnie did it!)

The Medical Field (Lot’s of great possibilities here, any problems? One: Dr. No. Number Two: blood.)

Money Maker (Similar to Banker, make a lot so you can spend it on your run for office. Basically an “other” category - yes I’m cheating by including it.)


Don’t worry about your vote changing my mind, it hasn’t yet! I’m just kidding.


Have fun,



Only six day’s left!  


  1. I think the best way is to start with local politics. Work your way up. Of course, my state Senator encourages folks to get some people skills in the retail industry. Still, that's to gain skills, not to act as a bridge. Local politics is the best, in my opinion. Think Sarah Palin.

  2. Your right, it's also has opportunity for people under 25 (not that I'm recommending it, if you know your stuff do it, but if not...) to get some political experience (besides working for a legislature or something like that). At least in my area anyway, I believe the only requirement is a certain length of time lived in the city (or county) and that you are registered to vote (I could be wrong, haven't exactly run for city council yet).

    Good input.


