"Trajectory Shift" Is A Must Read!

The announcement is here!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

David Barton and I

Wow, what a scary facial expression (I think I was trying trying to smile...)! I'm glad David Barton didn't get a copy!

Patriot Academy, August 2009
Photo by: David Personius


  1. Wow, sorry that I haven't been to yout blog lately, but I love the new design, especially the header. :)

  2. Great to have you drop by!

    Thanks, I'm undecided if I should keep the blog, move it (see Thursday's update - it will explain... I am moving my focus away from politics), or do something else...

    I hope the Incredible Paul Hastings is fantastically well, is uncontrollably successful, and faithfully following God's direction in his life!

    May God richly bless you...

    Your good friend,


    P.S. I am sorry for not keeping up with you - I just checked out http://imagivation.org/ and was disappointed that I had missed so much! Way to go, keep up the great work!
