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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Answer From The Bob Barr Campaign!

Here is a condensed version of an email I received from Bob Barr's finance director Robert Stuber. This message explains why he thinks libertarian presidential candidate Bob Barr should be supported and answers my question about Bob Barr's chances of winning:

Dear Trent,

...Like me, you are fed up with the lies and deceits of BOTH the Republicans and Democrats. You are disgusted by the corruption that permeates government. And you recognize that our federal budget deficit is nearly $500 Billion and our national debt will soon be $10 Trillion.

...As much as I hate to admit it, on
Election Day, unless a major breakthrough occurs, Bob Barr isn't likely to become our next President. But is not getting the most votes really a loss?

…Going back in our nation's history many of the greatest social changes were brought about as a result of independent and
third party races.

Most recently,
Ross Perot had an impact that impacted our nation for the better part of a decade. He focused "like a laser beam" on the economy, our national debt and the poor way our government is managed. It resulted in a change in Congress in 1994 and pushed Bill Clinton to balance the federal budget. I believe that had there not been a terrorist attack in 2001, we would still have a balanced budget and our economy would prosper.

So today, why should you invest in the Bob Barr campaign with your vote and your money?

It is simple.
On November 5 all eyes are going to be focused not on the vote totals of who won, but on how many people voted for Bob Barr. How many people put principle over partisan politics and "threw their vote away for a lost cause?" The bigger the number, the more influence we will have over the next four years.

Zogby poll suggests Bob Barr is already at 6% nationally. If we can double that or even triple it, we may not win the election, but we will have delivered to Washington a message loud and clear.

Voters want smaller government, lower taxes, more freedom. Period.

member of Congress will also know EXACTLY how many votes Bob Barr got in their state or district. It will hang over their political head as a strong encouragement to do what needs to be done. The biggest fear of every politician is being defeated!...

Though it is true that the entire nation will look for the results of the election for all the different candidates, it is a unique suggestion that this will accomplish a following of the principles upheld by the not-close-enough candidates (yes there is more than one candidate trying to persuade conservatives to vote third party - Chuck Baldwin for one). If you believe that a third party candidate will change policy making in Washington think of Ralph Nader. I could be wrong but I don't see a lot of politicians quaking at the percentage of votes Mr. Nader received in previous elections and saying: "Boy I better change my policy, see Americans believe what Ralph believes if I don't change my tune I won't be re-elected!"

No, third party is not the answer: not this year at least. We need results; not risky gambling.

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