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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Live Like a Leader - Part 1: The First Law

There are laws for leadership?

21 According to John C. Maxwell. In his book The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, Maxwell states:

“Personal and organizational effectiveness is proportionate to the strength of leadership.”

There you have it law number one: THE LAW OF THE LID

Dick and Maurice started their own theater. Dick and Maurice decided that a restaurant might work better. Dick and Maurice were smart. Dick and Maurice realized that specializing in hamburgers was the thing to do. Dick and Maurice invented there own system: the Speedy Service System. Dick and Maurice were successful. They decided it was time to expand. They decided it was time to do the franchise thing. One problem: Dick and Maurice were managers. Dick and Maurice were not leaders. This was a big problem a very, very big problem.

Did you know that’s how McDonald's started? Did you know the brothers would have never gone global without a guy named Ray Kroc (who was a leader and ended up buying what is today the McDonald’s Corporation)?

Are you a good leader?

1. If you aren’t one, you won’t be very effective. It’s because of the “lid”. It’s like those computer games where you must first achieve the first level before moving on: there is a “lid” to how far you can go. You can’t just build up enough skill to get to level three and then be able to get the rewards of playing on level thirty.

2. Being a better leader doesn’t just add to your effectiveness it multiplies it!

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