"Trajectory Shift" Is A Must Read!

The announcement is here!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Extra! Read all about it!

Important news flash:

I just finished sewing a wedding dress. 

(You may need to reread the previous sentence.) Yes, that's right, a wedding dress. No, I'm not getting married (at least not any time soon), and no, no one in my family is either, but all 19 buttons are on, and the 18 inch long zipper is in (and it works). I am so glad it's all over. Actually it wasn't that big of a deal, the dress is pretty simple and the one on one coaching is the only reason it ever happened (my older sisters should get all the credit). I just dropped it off at the County Youth Fair (4-H, FFA, and local schools all compete in one pretty good sized fair) with a lot of apprehension (lets hope it doesn't get ruined, oh, and I wouldn't mind if it placed well!). 

This means I have more time to upgrade the blog a little and hopefully get back to regular posting (I hear those groans!).

New Attractions:

A Blog Roll with the bloggers (all post on politics, at least a little) I know.  


The article Sister Constitutionalist? will be out probably this weekend so... 

See ya' next time!



  1. So, where's a picture? Did you try it out?


    I'm looking forward to the upcoming Constitutionalist article.

  2. NO, it won't fit. There will be an update later on with more info (what place it got at the fair, what size, and how much you can buy it for) and a picture.

    I don't normally do this... ...but for you Paul I'll work out a deal!

