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Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 is Left Behind

I only have one wish for you...

I only know you'll need one thing...

It's very simple, but extraordinarily hard.

As I look back on the goals I made in a year of slow plodding that burned up like a quick grass fire that someone had added gasoline to, I have to say, in the words of John Wayne: "Not hardly." No, I didn't accomplish what I had set out to do. No, my plan didn't groove so well. God had a different plan (I tell you more about it January 14th, but know that is nothing I ever was planning or looking for... it's a whole lot better!).

"What God's plan for your life?" (or something similar) was asked me semi-recently. It rocked my boat, and I don't mean rocked in the "cool", hip sort of way that it's used today. Somewhere along the line I conveniently forgot about God's plan. I knew a good thing to do. I knew what my few skills were. I could handle life. I had a plan.

God knows how to handle life a whole lot better, and I really do mean "handle". His ways are higher than our ways. His plan is long term. He knows tomorrow, he wrote it.

Marvelously, you are in God's plan. Do you know what your role is? My one wish for you in the Year of our Lord 2010 is to find that role. God has a plan. You have a role. His way is best.

- Trent


  1. Good post, Trent. God's plan and people's plans for me are two different things. I'm really tired of people giving me their opinions. I think people need to learn how to let go and let God - and quit trying to make their plans for other people's lives. :) You have a great 2010.
